E Komo Mai! (Welcome!)

E Komo Mai! (Welcome!)

This is a blog created to help Threnody attend La Pietra Hawai'i School for Girls; it will also be used to have her share her experiences and important news with all of you as she attends school there, starting this August.

More information (and the ChipIn page) can be found here

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ups and Downs

 This is a long one today, but with some important news.  To offset the 'wall of text' we've put a few extra pictures in.
Mahalo nui loa from Thren and I!
From a newsletter we sent out today:

From Threnody

Hi all! Firstly and most importantly I would like to thank those who have helped us to get this far. With such a short amount of time and money left to go, La Pietra is turning from a dream into reality.
Why La Pietra is the school for ME
    I know you’ve all heard plenty from my mom on why La Pietra is an excellent choice, however I thought you might be interested in why I LOVE it. La Pietra is a small school, which is great; I love knowing my teachers and being on a first name basis with all my classmates, it also helps for college applications since the teachers can write much better “personal” recommendations. Despite being small it still offers a huge variety of classes (including AP and online classes).
    The teachers are experts in their fields : how often can you say your physics teacher in high school was a doctor? ...Lastly I would like to point out how many outside opportunities I would get from La Pietra: they have so many connections with volunteer organizations and for our junior projects they help us find a mentorship in a field we are interested in. This allows us to give back and decide if it’s a field we are definitely interested in as a career!
Thank you again!  I hope you enjoyed our newsletter, you’ll be hearing more soon.
Shave Ice rainbows make everything better!

I thought we'd start this post with a few words from Thren herself.  And now, some good news:

We raised over 14,800 between donations and financial aid!  We have signed the initial deposit and registration paperwork; Thren will get her list of books to order for her classes soon!
(That amount also includes parental contributions.)

She's already received her schedule - and is *very* excited about her classes.
Who knew math, two languages, 3 science classes (and more) would be so exciting?

I am still trying to figure out how to cover the last small gap of $2210 this month - we'll get there somehow.  Please feel free to email us if you have any ideas to share.

I know it's not completely covered - I think I have a new swatch of silver in my hair to prove that.  But it's an amazing opportunity, and we are so close, I know we can cover this last part somehow.

Also, if you've pledged some money, but haven't sent it in yet - now is the time.  You can use the yellow button to the right, or just send us an email to work out another method. Thanks again!

Why La Pietra?  Why not another public school or homeschooling?

From the ChipIn blog:
When we first moved here, we had heard great things about the high school she is currently in from both long-time residents and fairly recent graduates. However,
Threnody has had a difficult time there, and she’s fallen a bit behind in a few key areas.
(She won’t be returning there next year.)
What has been most disheartening to me is her frustration and despair with attending school - it has really diminished that spark, that love of learning she used to show daily. We decided to begin exploring other options, and after numerous applications, interviews, tours, shadow days, financial aid applications, etc - we finally found the best fit for her overall: La Pietra Hawai’i School for Girls.
Hawai'i public schools are in a different category entirely than what we've been used to!  If you'd like some basic information on them, I recommend this series of short articles, especially the second one: "Education Reform Must Put Kids First".

 I have to thank some of our family in New Orleans for helping me see how unhappy T was with her current school; none of this would have happened as quickly as it has without your help!
Reviewing our options, transferring to a new public school is out, unfortunately.  Community college/homeschooling is also out for next year - there isn't enough breadth that she could take and fully withdraw from her current school.  It would also make her transcript even more more of a 'mishmash' than it already is.

At LP, she can take classes at the highest levels, and boost areas that she needs some extra polishing in.  They are also phenomenal at getting aid and scholarships for their students - so this will help her in the longer run with her college financing.  In short, she will be able to really explore, have her transcript cleaned up and organized, and have the best introduction possible to various admissions and financial aid staff.  *Over 100 fly to La Pietra each year and visit the students on their campus*.

I hope this helps clarify a bit about why we're doing our best to make this happen for her.  Again, many thanks for all that you've done - we really appreciate it.  If you have any ideas use the email link above, or the other buttons and links to the right.

I'll close again with a little bit from Thren:

Maybe I could work with Dolphins for my mentorship?

Please let us know if you didn't get the newsletter/update and would like to!  Eventually we'll close the blog later this fall, and update by email.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

7 extra days!


We're able to extend the fundraiser another week; if you've been meaning to donate  - thank you to those of you who have contacted me - now is the time.  (If not, no worries!  We'll figure it out.)

Many many thanks to all those who have helped so far - we're so close, less than 2,300 to go!

 A special thank you to Dorian Rush, who asked that in lieu of gifts or drinks for her borthday that people donate to Thren's schooling instead.  Amazing!

If anyone has any other ideas about fundraising for us - please feel free to conatct me through this email.

Again, our deepest thanks - we're almost there, and it's meant the world to Thren (and myself!) to see such love and support from all of you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Push!

Thren at work to help raise funds!

Aloha!  We’re nearing the end of Threnody’s fundraiser for La Pietra; many many thanks to all of you who have helped out in so many ways.
The deadline is approaching quickly, so if you've been thinking about helping out, now is the time.

We are extremely close to our goal - we have just over $2500* to go to be funded for Thren!
*This means over $14,500 has been raised through financial aid and donations - and we have some very kind offers for help with next year!  Amazing.
(What you see above is all that is left to cover.)

If you’ve been thinking about donating, or aren’t sure how to do so/if there are other ways to help, we’ve outlined some of those below.  We've also added a new option: shopping to help out!

I cannot explain how genuinely excited and happy she is, we’ll be posting some updates to the blog site from her perspective soon.  It’s nice to see her so inspired and excited about things.

1. NEW: Shop to help!

To help reach our goal, I’m offering a sale in my Etsy shop you can find that link here.
Use the code LAPIETRA at checkout for free shipping worldwide!  All proceeds will go directly towards her tuition and related school costs.  If there’s something you’d like in a different format or style, just let me know!

I will be adding new items to the shop this weekend and early next week - so save the code and check back soon if you don’t see anything to your liking just yet!  (The code will be valid until June 3rd.)

2. Direct Donations

If you’d like to donate directly, that link can be found right here, just scroll down and look to the left for the yellow donate button. (There are also other donation methods, which can be found here - look below the white chart.)

3. Make Some Noise!
If you think someone might be interested in donating, feel free to pass along this information.  This is the final stretch!

Our Young Entrepreneur and Altruist

This process has really been inspirational for Threnody - she has some interesting work and volunteer projects lined up for the summer, and has a renewed interest in making a difference, and she is very excited about her upcoming academic year.

(She’s also been fundraising herself to help cover the cost of her uniforms and books.)

Again, many, many thanks for all the love and support!

Here's a happy, muddy puppy pic:

Patch hikes Manoa Falls

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Getting Closer!

Bonjour à tous!

We signed the paperwork last month, and wanted to give a short update - we're past the 4500 mark! 

Many thanks for all the help and support, again, feel free to pass this along if you'd like.

This means so much to Thren, she is truly looking forward to next year.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Great News!

(Geek side note:  I still can't type anything like that w/o hearing the Professor's voice from Futurama...)

We *do* have good news though:  We passed the 4G mark!    Thanks again to everyone who is donating and/or putting the word out there - it means a lot. 

We said yes to the school, so we're in the home stretch. 
Keep sending all the good luck you can; it's definitely working!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We made the halfway point!

Many thanks to all who have helped - we made it to the halfway point already!

Our goal is to raise the final 'homestretch' of 3550 by June 1st.  For those who have helped already, by donating and spreading the word - thank you!  To all those who would like to help - there's still plenty of time.  You can donate now using the Paypal button to the right, or you can email us and we can make an arrangement if you'd like to donate something later in April or May.

Again, our thanks, and keep spreading the word!  We're so grateful, and this has really meant the world to Thren to see the encouragement from near and far.

(She'd also like me to add a suggestion to donate here if you've been stymied as to what to get her for her birthday or Christmas, Yule, etc.  Think of it as a year-round gift!)

Mahalo nui loa!

P.S.  We also have a facebook page - 'like' it to get the latest updates and alerts! 
(Or just check back here.)

Monday, April 2, 2012

We're getting close to halfway!!!

Thank you all so much!  If we can keep forwarding the information/passing it along (tweeting, facebook, etc.) I think we can keep the momentum going.

I realize the two different donation sites can be confusing: ChipIn doesn't allow me to add in  contributions outside of the ChipIn site.  To avoid confusing things (and having two different running totals) I've removed that link here, now just click the yellow button to the left to help out. (And thank you!)

The red thermometer found to the right will be the most accurate running total count - we'll update it at least 2x per day.

So if you'd like to contribute, here's a revised summary how:

1. Use Paypal directly, click the link above or the  yellow 'Donate' button found to the right. (You may donate any amount you wish.) We will update the total amount raised manually as soon as possible.

2. If you would like to make a pledge now for a specific amount (again, any amount is fine) to be paid by June 1st, email us with the amount you would like to pledge and the date you would like to pay it by. We will send you a Paypal payment reminder when the due date approaches.

3. If you would like to make a donation of 500.00 or above directly to the school, contact:
Brie Ericksson, Executive Assistant
(If you could let us know the amount sent to the school, that would be helpful so we can update the total amount raised.  If you would like to remain anonymous, that can also be arranged.)

4. Thank you!  (It bears repeating - we are truly grateful for any help and support.)
P.S. You can still access the ChipIn site here if you wish.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clarification about deadlines and the total amount due


 This entry has been created to help clarify what is due when for La Pietra.

We are well over halfway there - but still have a gap of $7100.00 to cover.

We must let the school know by April 5th if we intend to enroll her there, and a deposit must be paid by April 15th.  The remaining balance is due by June 1st.  (Giving me time to transfer it over and send the payment in to the school before the deadline.)

Thus, we don’t need the total amount by April 15th, but what we do need as soon as possible is at least $500.00 for the deposit, and solid pledges of support for the remaining $6600. (Those pledges would be due by June 1st.)

For those who might be more graphics-inclined:

 If it’s easiest to pay now - feel free to use the ChipIn button to do so - and many thanks!

If you cannot make a payment now, but you can make a definite pledge for a specific amount by June first - please email us [lapietra4threnody@gmail.com]; we can set up a Paypal payment reminder for you that will be due by whatever date works for you before June first.

Again, many thanks for reading this, and for any support you can give!  If you cannot definitely pledge a certain amount - no problem, we completely understand.

 But if you can commit to a certain amount by a certain date before 6/01, let us know as soon as possible - that way we can update the overall total needed, and make an assessment about whether or not she can attend there.

Summary  - ways to donate

1. Easiest - use Paypal directly.  Just  click the yellow 'Donate' button found on the top right of the page. (You may donate any amount you wish.) We will update the total amount raised manually as soon as possible.

2. If you would like to make a pledge now for a specific amount (again, any amount is fine) to be paid by June 1st, email lapietra4threnody@gmail.com with the amount you would like to pledge and the date you can pay it by. We will send you a Paypal payment reminder when the due date approaches.

3. If you would like to make a donation of 500.00 or above directly to the school, contact:

Brie Ericksson, Executive Assistant

(If you could let us know the amount sent to the school, that would be helpful so we can update the total amount raised.  If you would like to remain anonymous, that can also be arranged.)

4. Thank you!  (It bears repeating - we are truly grateful for any help and support.)

Mahalo nui loa

Whether payments are made to the school directly, though a pledge, or paid via ChipIn, we’ll keep a running tally of the total raised *and* keep you updated on her progress as each deadline passes using both this blog and the ChipIn site.
(You might want to bookmark this page or sign up for RSS feeds if you would like to check in on our progress.)

 Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions and  thank you!

*Refund note: We’re optimistic about reaching our goal, and think it’s definitely possible - but in case we cannot reach that goal we’ll refund the donations as soon as we can after the final decision has been made.  (There's no risk involved -  if we make the goal, it all goes to her schooling; if not, it is refunded to you.)

La Pietra

Graduation Day
Much of this has already been covered on the second post on the ChipIn site, please pardon any repeated information!

La Pietra Hawai'i School for Girls is an amazing school for girls in 6th-12th grade located by Diamond Head on the Former Dillinger Estate in Honolulu, HI.  It is focused on the latest in technology and learning strategies to help girls excel - and is also equally committed to creating girls who are confident, prepared, and compassionate (each girl must complete an in-depth community service project before graduation).  They are also serious about their athletics - and have an amazing salt-water pool!  I am a big believer in letting images speak for themselves, so here are a few I find to be quite striking and revealing about the campus:

Main Courtyard, girls often eat lunch here
Graduation Day - after many leis!
More images can be found here, if you like!